A Vegan world with love for all conscious beings is something to live and strive for. Click for song inspiration after the advertisement. Sorry the song needs to have the word “man” changed to “person”. The video quality gets better…
Author: Ron Anthony
I am 74 years old. College grad, BA Economics, former USAF officer. I have had experience doing volunteer work with the Audubon Society protecting nesting shore birds. I've bred Bluebirds in nest boxes. I'm sorry to say I have only gone vegan recently. It finally sunk in that the worst atrocities in the entire universe are what we do to food animals that are expressions of God. We are one.
Educational videos
Arnold Schwarzenegger
The superstar body-builder, actor and former California governor admits he used to eat 10-15 eggs a day and a lot of meat to become a champion bodybuilder. He eventually had major heart surgeries. No more. He’s become about 99% vegan…
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood has become an activist to enlighten others that eating animals is: Not very healthy for humans Not healthy for the Earth and its future Immoral the way animals suffer for no good reason He is featured in the…
Christie Brinkley Calls herself a “flexible vegan”
What we eat influences our health, the health of our planet, the health of our nation and the suffering of animals. One of the worst misconceptions about diet is that we need a lot of animal protein to be…
How to make the most of beans
There are two ways to buy beans: canned or dry Canned beans are convenient. Just open the can. Most are high in sodium, but you can get low sodium or no sodium beans. If you have a problem with…
Two ways to make hamburger
Two ways to make hamburger 1. Get a dairy calf. Grow her to about a year old. Then rape her with artificial insemination to begin producing milk for her developing calf with other rape victims. In about 9 months, after delivery,…
The need for veganism or near veganism
Our diet is more involved than just weight watching. There are four dimensions to it: Personal health Community health Environmental health Moral health Personal Health Americans are suffering from an unbalanced diet known as the Standard American Diet (SAD)…
The true cost of eggs
Chickens were created to fly; perch; play; socialize with other chickens; mate, raise young; enjoy the sun and sky for about 8 years. In the Egg industry, the males are killed after hatching (video made in Australia, but its the…
Desmond Tutu: a giant of a man for animals
“It is a kind of theological folly to suppose that God has made the entire world just for human beings, or to suppose that God is interested in only one of the millions of species that inhabit God’s good earth.…