The Vegan flag: for love of all life and the Earth
Saving Ourselves and Our Planet
By Ron Anthony
A thousand years ago people believed the Earth was flat and that the Sun went around the Earth. We outgrew those false beliefs. There is another false belief we must outgrow to save ourselves and planet. We believe that we have to eat meat, eggs and dairy to get enough protein to be healthy and happy.
Millions of healthy vegans have proven this wrong for thousands of years. Today, millions of vegans and near vegans are the healthiest people on Earth who live the longest.
The American high animal protein diet kills more than animals
Eating too much animal protein contributes to many illnesses. About two out of three Americans are overweight and half of those obese. Americans have the highest rates and deaths in the world from:
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Cancer (especially breast cancer) in the world.
Cultures that eat little or no animal products have almost none of these illnesses. This makes the US healthcare the most expensive in the world depressing the quality of life and draining the economy.
We are caught in a trap
The high American protein diet has its roots in tradition and economics. It is nearly impossible to educate the public about the harms of animal protein diets. The money making machinery spends hundreds of billions of dollars for advertising and suppressing dietary health information. Even the organizations that are supposed to promote healthy living are under the influence of donations from the animal products industries. For a very informative look at this watch the video “What the health”.
Producing cheap food is dangerous
Factory farms produce almost all the world’s meat, eggs, and dairy. To compete for the lowest prices, they cram together their animals in filthy inhumane conditions, including living in their excrement.
They use heavy doses of antibiotics to prevent infection . While antibiotics kill bacteria, their constant use can lead to the breeding of antibiotic-resistant or immune bacteria. Future epidemics with mass human deaths are inevitable. For more info click here.
They fatten cattle with growth hormones. Antibiotics fatten animals as well. These are still in the meat when you eat it. The European Union won’t allow the import of American beef because of this.
Our eating habits are destroying the biosphere.
Meat eating is an expensive and very inefficient form of nutrition.For every 100 calories fed to a beef cow, only 20 percent becomes edible calories. For chickens, the return is 25 percent edible calories, but worse at 15 percent for pigs. If we eat vegetables, grains, fruits, nuts and seeds directly, we get almost 100% of the nutrition.
Vegetation eaten directly by humans requires about 1/3 the farmland. We don’t have to destroy forests to expand production of protein. By enjoying plant-based diets, we can grow forests back and absorb carbon dioxide to reverse the global warming.
According to the United Nations’s Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) about 1/3 of the earth’s forests have been removed by an explosion in mostly grazing land and crop growing. About a third of the crops are fed to food animals.

Disappearing Brazilian rain forest
Deforestation is still spreading to graze livestock and grow more food to feed them in factory farms as the human population grows. The worst is in Brazil’s rain forests. Fewer forests from this and the increasing forest fires reduces the Earth’s ability to absorb carbon dioxide, adding to the warming of the planet and making weather more destructive.
Farmed animal wastes cause massive air and water pollution.
About 14% of greenhouse gases emitted on the Earth come from agriculture. Over half of that is from farm animals and growing food to feed them. This is more than all of motor vehicles, aircraft, ships and other transportation.
Farm animals massively outnumber humans. They produce sewage many times more than human sewage, but only human sewage must legally be treated. Factory farm sewage is untreated. It is stored or evaporated often leaching into the water table below or leaking into rivers creating dead zones in the ocean.
We were blessed with a perfect planet.
We are making the Earth, our precious speck in the cosmos, very sick. The biosphere is unraveling with unprecedented heating, drought, flooding, deforestation and forest fires. Darwin said, it is “the survival of the fittest” That means fitting into the biosphere, not exploiting, and abusing it. Humanity is not fitting in.
Why animal exploitation is immoral
Meat, dairy and egg producing factory farms use obscene cruelty before killing animals like chickens, pigs and cattle that are just as intelligent and sensitive as dogs and cats.

Battery cages: chickens can hardly move and excrement falls through the flooring. They go through about 18 months of hell before being killed. The males have better luck. They are killed after hatching.
The true cost of eggs in suffering

Meat production factory – broiler chickens.They are packed so tightly they can hardly move. They live on their own excrement.
The cruelty of the chicken meat industry

This mother sow is in a farrowing crate not able to move around at all.
The atrocities done to pigs

Milking cows by automatic industrial milking rotary system in modern diary farm. There are few happy dairy cows roaming around green pastures.
Dairy cows special kind of hell
We don’t have to do this.
Farming animals without mercy; killing them and eating them is not only destroying us and the planet, it is an immoral affront to our Creator. The Spirit of our Creator is in all sensitive conscious beings.
Why not try Vegan?
(or as close as you can get)
You can stand before your conscience and your God (if you have one) and say you are not a part of the dairy, egg and meat eating evils.
It’s only a matter of changing to better eating habits. You can be healthier; reduce the suffering of animals and help save the Earth. We have no other choice. The Earth will always be our only home.
It’s not a matter of eating beans all the time. There is a vegan substitute for every meat and dairy product. Happy vegans can show you how easy it is.
Become part of the vegan community that includes the following vegans or near vegans:
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Tom Brady
Clint Eastwood
Christie Brinkley
Colin Kaepernick
Bill Clinton
Greta Thunberg
Eric Adams, (mayor of New York City)
Harrison Ford
Get that good feeling that your existence isn’t rooted in the suffering of other sensitive, conscious beings and harming the Earth. You’ll feel healthier as those above do.
Join others by volunteering and/or donating
Associate with others in Facebook Vegan groups.